Gain Insight : Be Inspired: Feel Empowered
I’m Here to help you.

Welcome to my website!
Being of service is my mission and my pleasure.
I keep on adding some new skill or modality to help ME to help YOU. And I have learned a lot in the process. I have learned that we do not have to be victims, we are inherently Masters. We are children of God/Sparks of the Divine/Fractals of Creator/ Fragments of Source. We are Source made manifest in the physical world.
It took me years of pain, fear, confusion and even hopelessness to wake up myself. I now try to put the lessons I have learned to the service of others.
PSYCHIC READINGS. Anne/Acushla has been working as a Psychic Consultant for 42 years. She is known worldwide and has a large and loyal following. She is respected for the accuracy of her insights and her no-nonsense approach in helping her clients with their problems. Anne’s approach is a loving one and , even if she sees something negative or challenging in a reading, she will always give some guidance on how to overcome the problem and will suggest an alternative and more satisfying reality. See her Testimonials.
SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE. If you are at a crossroads and don’t know how to go forward, or you have been through a major life challenging situation or loss, Acushla will connect with her Spirit guides or yours to find the necessary advice. Her main guide is a very ancient Chinese sage called Master Ho. She is also guided by Kwan Yin, Jesus, Mary Magdalen and Saint Germain. She sees Angels and communicates with them.
INTUITIVE COUNSELLING. Over the years Anne/ Acushla has been on a variety of Self Help Courses and Transformation courses and workshops. Using these tools together with her intuition and spiritual connections, she can guide you to the optimum path forward in your life. She offers On-line Therapy to help you to uncover the blocks that are holding you back and preventing you for accessing your own Divine Wisdom and Magnificence.
HAND & FINGERPRINT ANALYSIS. Author of the book ‘Reading Your Child’s Hand’ , Anne has been consulted by Recruitment Companies to use hand reading as Personality Profiling. Hand and Fingerprint analysis is invaluable for identifying talents, gifts and challenges in Children’s hands, thus enabling parents and carers to steer the child towards being all they are capable of being . She has co-authored the book ‘Discover the Innate Potential of Children’ with Marianne Volonte. Hand Analysis is invaluable in helping adults to identify their life mission and career path.
QUANTUM RE-CODING. Quantum Re-Coding is a healing technique that re-codes Low Self-Esteem; Poverty Consciousness; Difficulties in Personal Relationships; Unwanted Habits & Addictions; Youthing versus Ageing; and Vibrant Health versus Illness.
Based on the discoveries of Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr. Paul Dennison, Psych K, and others, Quantum Re-Coding is a 21st century healing technique that can revolutionise your life by updating those out-dated codes of behaviour with positive, appropriate alternatives. Quantum Re-Coding overwrites innate limiting beliefs with positive outcomes – in minutes
RETREATS & COURSES. Anne has conducted hugely successful retreats and courses far and wide, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Italy, Greece and U.K. Read about forthcoming events on the EVENTS page. RETREATS are restorative and life-changing. When we step away from the hypnosis of the familiar, and immerse ourselves in the Greater Reality, then the deep connection and the healing can really happen.
The BIGGEST SECRET is remembering who we are.
My Guides and angels have downloaded many messages and meditations to me, which you will find in my shop.
Many of the meditations are FREE and some have a small charge which helps me to pay for computer help.
We are living in an age of huge change. This change has been predicted by many cultures and traditions. Such as the Mayans , the Christian Bible, the Hopis, and the Hindus. They all agree on a period of pain, confusion and darkness followed by a golden age of peace and joy. Many of my workshops and courses are designed to help you to navigate these challenging times.
I offer one-to-one psychic readings, hand analysis and spiritual guidance, either in person or by Skype or other on-line platforms.
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To help you to overcome your fear and cross the bridge to Love and Peace, with the help of MY guides and Spirit helpers and YOUR guides and Spirit helpers, I am available for readings in person, on Skype, FB Messenger etc.
To help you raise your frequencies,
has several consciousness raising exercises and meditations.
Click book to Purchase
Acushla meditations available on my website
(there is a nominal admin fee)
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